Why should I choose Kappa Delta Chi? First and foremost, we want you to find the organization that is right for you. If you enjoy serving your community, achieving academic success, and growing into a professional leader, then KDChi is perfect for you. Here are some of benefits of being a sister of Kappa Delta Chi:
Academic achievement
Learning of organizational responsibilities
Development of time management skills
Philanthropic involvement
Leadership development & education
Becoming part of a world-wide, professional network of sisters
Job, fellowship, and scholarship opportunities
Involvement with the university and local communities
Having family away from home
Social and interpersonal opportunities
Lifelong friendship and support
How do I get involved? Click on the "Rush" section of our website or contact our Expansion Chair at [email protected] about upcoming events. We host our rush at the beginning of every spring and fall semester. Interests are encouraged to attend as many events as possible so that we can get to know you better. After rush, there is an application process. In order to be eligible to apply, you must meet the following criteria:
Have a minimum GPA of 2.75
Be a full-time student
Cannot be a first-term freshmen
Do I have to be Latina to join? Kappa Delta Chi Sorority, Inc. is made up of women of many different backgrounds and cultures. It is traditionally made up of Latina members but is inclusive to all ethnicities. We welcome and celebrate diversity in our sorority.
Do I have to stroll or step to be part of the sisterhood? No, no chapter or individual is required to do either. Most sisters do it because they want to be involved and it's a way to be active, have fun, and show unity.